Historical Re-Enactors & Living History 2013 > On the Home Front 2013 at Rufford Park. > RedZebraRF13-0687
Relive the history and experience of the 1940’s at Rufford Country Park 31st of August and 1st of September 2013. The World War Two experience from soldiers, equipment and vehicles to the fashions, food and dancing of the times. All set in the picturesque grounds of Rufford Country Park, North Nottinghamshire. Organised by Event Plan, photographed by Red Zebra

© Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024
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Photographer: Gerald Peachey
Collection: On the Home Front 2013 at Rufford Park.
Upload Date: 2013-08-31 13:25:43
Photo Size: 6.2mb 2667x4000 pixels
  comp 560x840

Keywords: Rufford Country Park On the Home Front Red Zebra Photography World War Two Second II Historical Re-enaction Living History Event Plan 2013


Red Zebra Photography.


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Contact us today:  info@redzebraphoto.co.uk  or   07973432204

All images copyright Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024.  For more information see www.redzebraphoto.co.uk or e mail us on info@redzebraphoto.co.uk or 07973432204 ~  01508 570934