October 2014 once again sees Sherwood Forest alive with the Historical Re-enaction and Living History of Sherwood through the Ages. See the people and characters who lived in or helped to shape the history of the forest. Travel in time from the Romans and Ancient Britons through the Dark Ages and Medieval times via the Major Oak to the English Civil War and beyond into life and conflicts of the 20th Century. Organised by Event Plan on behalf of the Sherwood Forest Rangers and Visitor Centre, photographed by Red Zebra.
Glorious autumn 2014 and once again Sherwood Forest is alive
with the Historical Re-enaction and Living History of Sherwood through the ages. See the people and characters who lived in or helped to shape the history of the forest. Travel in time from the Romans and Ancient Britons through the Dark Ages and Medieval times via the Major Oak to the English Civil War and beyond into life and conflicts of the 20th Century. Organised by Event Plan on behalf of the Sherwood Forest Rangers and Visitor Centre, photographed by Red Zebra with instant digital downloads and high quality prints from only £4.25
All images copyright Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024. For more information see www.redzebraphoto.co.uk or e mail us on info@redzebraphoto.co.uk or 07973432204 ~ 01508 570934