Historical Re-Enactors & Living History 2012 > Harewood Medieval Faire 2012 > RZHM12 0345r
Harewood Medieval Faire, Harewood House, Yorkshire, Saturday 30th of June and Sunday 1st of July 2012. A fantastic new annual festival featuring hundreds of top performers! Pageantry, jousting by knights in shining armour, battles and combat, arms and armour, archery, cannons, damsels, music, song and dance, comedy, puppet shows, colourful living history encampments, medieval market and archaeological dig.
© Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2025

Harewood Medieval Faire 2012. A spectacular Medieval historical re-enactment and

living history set in the grounds of Harewood House Yorkshire. Portraying the every day life and conflicts of Medieval Britain set in the wonderful grounds of the Harewood Estate.


Red Zebra Photography.


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All images copyright Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024.  For more information see www.redzebraphoto.co.uk or e mail us on info@redzebraphoto.co.uk or 07973432204 ~  01508 570934