Historical Re-enactors and Living History 2016 > Pikes and Plunder 2016 > RedZebraPaP160501-0447
Pikes and Plunder an English Civil War spectacular in Newark, Nottinghamshire. Royalists and Parliamentarians from the 17th Century. 125 re-enactors and Living History from across the UK will garrison Newark Castle, Friary Gardens and at the National Civil War Centre on 1 and 2 May,
© Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2025

Pikes and Plunder an English Civil War spectacular in Newark,

Nottinghamshire. Royalists and Parliamentarians from the 17th Century. 125 re-enactors and Living History from across the UK will garrison Newark Castle, Friary Gardens and at the National Civil War Centre on 1 and 2 May, firing cannons and parading to recall that tumultuous time. Highlights will include a massed musket salvo and soldiers' drill for children.


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