The English Civil War returns to Newark, Nottinghamshire on May the 8th 2016. Historical Re-enactors and Living History combine in another 17th Century spectacular. See Royalist troops return to the Castle to mark the actual date of the surrender with another day-long event. The final acts of a terrible six month siege will be played out as the army of Parliament moves in to take control with a ceremony in the cobbled Market Place.
The English Civil War returns to Newark, Nottinghamshire on May
the 8th 2016. Historical Re-enactors and Living History combine in another 17th Century spectacular. See Royalist troops return to the Castle to mark the actual date of the surrender with another day-long event. The final acts of a terrible six month siege will be played out as the army of Parliament moves in to take control with a ceremony in the cobbled Market Place. The Sealed Knot photographed by Red Zebra Photography.
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