© Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2025
145 small; 35 medium; 9 large; last viewed 2012-01-15
caption: "Blasts from the Past" Broadlands, Romsey 2011. A magnificent multi period, historical re-enaction with Living History from the Ancient Greeks to the UK forces of the 1980's. Celebrate over 2000 years of history with images of this superb pageant of Historical Re-enaction and Living History. Be transported back in time to the Roman Legions, the Medieval Ages with Knights and Men at Arms, the English Civil War with its Muskets and Pike, the Lace Wars and the ’45, the famous Red Coats of the British Square in Napoleonic times followed by the Victorian Die Hards, emerge into the 20th Century with the conflicts of World War One and World War Two and the Space Race.