Historical Re-enactors and Living History 2005
2005 was the first year that Red Zebra worked with Howard Giles and Event Plan. There were three events, Rufford Multi Period, Sheffield Fayre and Sherwood Forest. Please bear in mind that there was only one digital camera at this time and we also used film quit a lot.

Heather Gallagher had invited me to go out to Rufford and meet Howard Giles who was managing an multi period event that I might like to photograph. This began a brilliant partnership which lasted just over ten years with Red Zebra and Event Plan.

Red Zebra Photography.


Based in Norwich, Norfolk.  Photographing Nationwide.

Contact us today:  info@redzebraphoto.co.uk  or   07973432204

All images copyright Red Zebra Photography 2005 to 2024.  For more information see www.redzebraphoto.co.uk or e mail us on info@redzebraphoto.co.uk or 07973432204 ~  01508 570934